HDB Resale Price Index

Did you know HDB resale prices rose 12.5% in 2021? This is why the cooling measures effective Dec 16 2021, were necessary.

This largely does not affect first time home owners! The measures are targeted more at investors, institutions, developers. For HDB flats, the LTV limit for housing loans from HDB was tightened from 90 per cent to 85 per cent. It just mean you can’t loan as much as you used too, or that you need to cough up an additional 5% in your down payment.

Read more about this on CNA’s article https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/hdb-flat-resale-prices-rise-2021-fourth-quarter-increase-estimates-2411551

And more about MND’s decision via https://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/press-releases/view/measures-to-cool-the-property-market

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